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17 July 2019
Asthma , COPD

The Spanish Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (FENAER) inaugurated on the 8th of July in Madrid, Spain, the first Online Congress of Allergic and Respiratory Patients.

The aim of the Congress was to discuss the population's knowledge of what is asthma, COPD and other allergic and respiratory diseases and their impact on society, patients and their families.

Ángel Sánchez, president of the Spanish Association for People with Food and Latex Allergy, participated in the event on behalf of EFA President Mikaela Odemyr, in order to present EFA and our aims as well as to report the need to evolve towards patient-centered healthcare systems, personalized treatment, focus better on preventative measures and providing care to the patient along all the disease. 

The master conference was given by Professor Jacob. I. Sznajder, one of the greatest references in pneumology in the world. His contribution is available in English online:

The congress as a whole had been recorded and is available here in Spanish and English. You can find the program of the congress here.