Registration is closed for this event

Extraordinary and Annual General Meeting of Members and Network Meeting


27–28 May 2021



Thursday, 27th May Morning Programme

09:15 - 09:45

EFA Board Meeting // Board members only

10:00 - 10:15

Technical aspects for the meeting and how to vote, Isabel Proano, Technical moderator of the meeting

Introduction of participants, All and Susanna Palkonen (moderator of the meeting)

10:15 - 11:30

EGM Business Session


  1. Introduction, Mikaela Odemyr, President
  • Introduce the agenda and purpose of the meeting
  • Announce the presence either in person or with proxy the required 3/4 of full (paying) members.
  • Introduce the founding members (the board), the board (current) and statutes for EFA Belgium
  • Joining as EFA old members through letter and how many have been received so far


  1. Approval of the agenda. Mikaela Odemyr, EFA President

Approve the agenda.


  1. Election of tellers, chairperson and secretary of the meeting.

Propose and elect the tellers, chairperson and secretary of the meeting.


  1. Minutes of the AGM 2020 30 March. Annex 1

For approval.


  1. Motion for a Resolution.


Closing of the meeting and next steps


Lunch break and optional Sit-Down&Exercise break 11:30-11:50

Thursday, 27th May - Afternoon programme

13:00 – 13:10

Recap on technical aspects for the meeting and how to vote, Isabel Proano (technical moderator of the meeting)

Introduction of participants, All and Susanna Palkonen (moderator of the meeting)

13:10 - 14:30

AGM Business Session


Welcome to the EFA Online AGM, Mikaela Odemyr

  1. Approval of the agenda. Mikaela Odemyr, EFA President
  2. Election of tellers, chairperson and secretary of the meeting.
  3. Minutes of the AGM 2020. Annex 1
  4. Membership requests. Annex 2
  5. Motions from members and the board.
  6. Activity report 2020. Annex 3, Isabel Proano, Director of Policy and Communications
  7. Accounts 2020 and Auditors report 2020. Annex 4 a, b, c Carla Jones, Treasurer
  8. Discharge of the board and auditors.
  9. Budget forecast 2020. Annex 5 a, b, Valeria Ramiconi, Programme Manager
  10. Workplan 2021 and EFA Strategy. Annex 6, Susanna Palkonen
  11. Membership fee is proposed to be kept at 500 euro per organisation/coalition.

Refreshing break (14:00 - 14:10)

  1. Election of the Board 2020-2022 (Vacancy for president, vice-president and two members). Annex 6, Erna Botjes, Vice President


EFA Photo, all cameras on!


Friday, 28th May

10:00 - 12:30

Sharing your organisation’s recent success, goals or plans on INFORM, PREVENT and CARE


Chairs: Marcia Podesta, EFA Secretary of the Board and a Member’s Representative


  1. Know the European allergy and respiratory patient community
  2. Share best practices across countries and organisations
  3. Open space for discussion on common issues

Presenters: list all member presenters and topics

Refreshing break (11:00-11:15)



Summary and au revoir

27th May, 2021 9:15 AM through 28th May, 2021 12:30 PM
Virtual event. Instructions to attend will be shared by email.
Phone: +322227 27 12