The #KeepBreathing campaign was selected to be presented to the European Commission’s DG SANTE as a stakeholder initiative to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe. It was the only one focused on lung health. Chronic respiratory diseases is the focus of one of the five main strands of action within the EU NCD initiative.
On 20th March, EFA, on behalf of the European Lung Health Group (ELHG), was selected to present the #KeepBreathing lung health campaign during the European Commission’s DG SANTE stakeholder webinar on prevention of non-communicable diseases.
The webinar was organised within the context of the “Healthier Together – EU NCD initiative” launched by the European Commission. The event aimed at providing an update on the main activities of the Commission and the Member States to reduce the burden of NCDs across the EU. On that occasion, the Commission invited EU-level health associations to present their own ideas and activities for health promotion and NCDs prevention.
From the over 20 submissions, only eight initiatives were selected to be presented during the webinar, with the #KeepBreathing campaign being the only initiative covering chronic respiratory diseases, which is the focus of one of the five main strands of action within the EU NCD initiative.
In the presentation, EFA, presented by Isabel Proaño, highlighted the ‘#KeepBreathing: A vision for EU action on lung health 2024-2029’ proposes to have a holistic approach to health, breaking silos across diseases and European policies. There is robust, science driven asks to benefit all chronic diseases as the European Lung Health Group is bringing the focus to lifecourse lung health, connecting the dots and improving planning and healthcare services through the angle of lung health, which remains difficult to plan and to measure, because it has many contributors to the burden.
To overcome the current limitations, EFA emphasised the importance of enhanced collaboration across sectors and Directorate Generals of the European Commission, as well as between EU agencies, the Member States and relevant stakeholders, which can advance policies that lead to healthier, stronger, and more resilient societies, and promote lifelong prevention to #KeepBreathing.
The added value of the European Lung Health Group is that together, the nine organisations involved, they have in-depth knowledge, expertise and established civil society networks at European and national levels that can effectively contribute to alleviating the burden of respiratory diseases as a whole. Together, the ELHG highlights their three main pillars of joint action on lung health: prevention, healthcare, and research & innovation, we believe that Europe would be transformed into a healthier, stronger, more resilient continent.
In terms of the next steps, the European Commission will inform the Expert Group on Public Health, composed of the representatives of the Member States’ health ministries, on the main points of discussion and the selected initiatives.
You may find all the initiatives presented, as well as further information on the webinar here.