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For the 1st time this year we will be connecting to transfer knowledge and grow our capacities via online seminars (called webinars!). There will be 6 webinars of 1h30 hours, accessible for EFA Members and their Members. Interested? Register now.

From person-to-person training

We are a network of people, coming from different countries and having different stories, experiences, background. We want our voice to be heard, in Europe and in all its members’ states, and to do so we need to be strong and united! For these reasons 4 years ago we initiated the Capacity Building and started to travel around Europe visiting its members with the aim of transferring know-how and boosting the development of our local associations.

So far we have held 13 meetings in 9 different European countries. The topics were of high interest for our members and considered crucial for allowing non-profit organisations to run successfully and achieve impactful results. Ad hoc training sessions were also delivered in accordance with members’ specific needs and requests

To digital capacity building

Taking into account the very positive feedback from our members, who after a follow-up period reported significant improvements in their organisation’s approach and initiatives, this year we decided to open the opportunity to all members and their affiliates and to organise a series of meetings online (webinars).

The webinars will be held from October to December and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes, in English. The webinars will be held in English and electronic material will be distributed after the meeting. All our members (including those who already benefited from the programme in the past) as well as representatives of their members, can take part into the meeting and interact with external experts and with our members who will be invited to share their testimonies and best practices.

The topics for this year are:

Module 1 (2 webinars of 1,5 hours per topic):

  1. a) Governance (DATE confirmed 29-October)
  2. b) Membership (DATE confirmed 5 November)
  3. c) Fundraising

Module 2 (2 webinars of 1,5 hours per topic):

  1. a) Advocacy
  2. b) Project management
  3. c) Communication

A detailed programme of the webinars with dates and speakers will be communicated soon. In the meantime we invite you to express your preferences for the topics by means of this doodle poll. Please select as many webinars as you wish.