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Brokerage event on FP7 Health Research: registration open!

01 May 2010
This event will take place at the Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels on the 8th of June 2010. The purpose is to introduce the priorities, novelties and...

European Parliament to hold historical debate and vote

01 May 2010
As announced in our April eZine, the vote at the European Parliament on the proposal for regulation on “the provision of food information to consumers”is...

EFA in meetings - March 2010

01 April 2010
Since our last eZine, EFA was represented in the following conferences and meetings: A conference organized by the European Generic Medicines Association...

World No Tobacco day 31st of May 2010

01 April 2010
In 2010 the theme will be “Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to woman”. Indeed, as the number of men smoking is peaking, the rate of...

New economic strategy for sustainable & inclusive growth

01 April 2010
On the 3rd of March the European Commission launched the Europe 2020 strategy proposal. It aims at getting Europe out of the economic crisis, and at preparing...

Information to patients and the EU update

01 April 2010
In 2008 the Commission made a proposal on information to patients/public on prescription-only medicines. The proposal aims at 'improving and harmonizing...

EMA launches Public consultation on its Road Map to 2015

01 April 2010
- Medicines
n January 2010 the European Medicine Agency (EMA) made available the draft of its road map “The Agency’s Contribution to Science, Medicines and Health”...

FFAAIR Walking Race against COPD

01 April 2010
The national campaign “walking Race against COPD” has been launched on the 31st of January in Marseille, France. The aim is to call public attention...

Italian COPD Patient Association, events and activities

01 April 2010
In May, Associazione Italiana Pazienti BPCO is organising ‘Breathe Day’ - Festa del Respiro, a local initiative of their member associations...

EFA's actions, and vote in ENVI committee

01 April 2010
Following our article on this topic in March issue of this e-zine, EFA sent a policy brief on “the Commission proposal on provision of food information...

Know your air for health website:Available in more languages

01 April 2010
The joint EFA and Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)“Know your air for health” websiteis now available in Frenchand Czechin addition to English,...

Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

01 April 2010
The theme of the Conference was “Protecting children’s health in a changing environment”. Health and environment ministers from 53 countries, and...

EFA becomes a full member of European Medicines Agency PCWP

01 April 2010
In March 2010 EFA became full member of the Patients and Consumers Working Party (PCWP) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The EMA is a decentralised...

World Asthma Day 4th of May is approaching

01 April 2010
EFA involved in U-BIOPRED project on understanding severe asthma better EFA is a partner in an EU research project on severe asthma the U-BIOPRED (Unbiased...

Asthma Highlighted as a Priority in HSE Plan in Ireland

23 March 2010
The Asthma Society of Ireland’s Demonstration Project was highlighted last month in the 2010 National Service Plan as part of a programmatic approach...

Health Technology Assessment- EFA conference 2010

23 March 2010
Are organizations representing people with allergy, asthma and COPD involved in reimbursement and health technology assessment processes? How are decisions...

The EPF tools on patient involvement in EU policy & project

01 March 2010
EFA collaborated in the EPF’s Value Plus Project, which consisted in exchanging information, experiences and best practices on the involvement of patients...

Council Recommendation on Smoke Free environments

01 March 2010
The European Council adopted on the 30th of November a recommendation on smoke free environments. It recommends that EU Member States comply before the...

EU Commission proposal for regulation on Food labelling

01 March 2010
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
In its proposal for regulation on "provision of food information to consumers", the European Commission proposes that all food containing allergenic substances...

Spanish EU Presidency of the Council: Health Priorities

01 March 2010
The Spanish Presidency has the following priorities in health: the reduction of inequalities in health, continuing care and clinical excellence, particularly...